Read Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka Vol 2 Greg Rucka Books
Read Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka Vol 2 Greg Rucka Books

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Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka Vol 2 Greg Rucka Books Reviews
- Greg Rucka's famous run on Wonder Woman is continued with this second volume reprint of classic arcs "Eyes of the Gorgon" and "Land of the Dead." Continuing from the terrific first volume's collected work, this two part story sees the return of the mythical Medousa whose gaze will turn her victims to stone. After having been resurrected by the witch Circe, Medousa decides to pick a fight with Wonder Woman as she is the champion of Athena (the god who transformed Medousa into a beast in old myth). After a devastating attack on the staff of the Themysciran Embassy, Diana accepts a formal duel with the Gorgon and battles her to the death. In the sequel arc "Land of the Dead" Diana is once again caught up in the machinations of her patron gods. After Hera nearly destroyed Themyscira during the first volume, Athena gathers the female goddesses together to challenge the rule of Zeus pitting his mighty champion against her own. All the while, Ares continues to manipulate Diana and the s while playing both sides against each other. This is a great run and a wonderful read. Rucka's run doesn't end here as he has another volume's worth of work after "Land of the Dead" though that arc ("Mission's End") is mostly a direct tie-in to Infinite Crisis. While the third volume's worth of comics haven't been reprinted yet, you can find the entire "Mission's End" arc in a previous volume's printing on .
- I did not like it as much as Greg Rucka's first collected volume, but there are still very good stories in this book. I can't explain the plot very much without spoiling it, but the story is interesting and has some nice twists. If you like the first Rucka volume, you will really enjoy how it continues here.
- This book features one of the first Wonder Woman story arcs I ever read, and I love it. Greg Rucka is one of the writers (along with Gail Simone & George Perez) that knows how to stay true to the essence of Wonder Woman (Diana's character) while also placing her into interesting narratives.
- Great stories included in this volume, especially the Stoned storyline, which is one of the best Wonder Woman storylines in her long history! Greg Rucka is a great writer and I hope he comes back to WW again soon!
- Was super bummed when I realized a volume 3 will still have to come out to finish the run, but still amazing!
- Love this collection Greg Rucka brought his A game here great read recommended it to all.
- Wonder women vs Medusa excellent
- Product was great. Excellent condition.
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